
Blood Quantum

I promised on Twitter that this rant was coming.    If you didn’t listen, then pucker up butter cup.   It’s going in dry.  Blood Quantum is the concept of measuring “native-ness” by the specific amount or quanta (quantum meaning amount) of “red blood” in your…well.  In your red blood.  The whole argument gets wrapped up in the concept of what makes someone “native enough”, and being a “native descendant” versus a “native”.   A “descendant of the algonquian nation” instead of “a son of the tribe”.  I just want to pause here and point something out. We.  Are.   Literally.  Arguing.  Purity. We are using the same argument that the Aryan brotherhood uses to define membership.   The same argument used to create such hateful labels as “quadroon”.    The one modern extremist “power” groups (white, black, Hispanic, etc) use to define who counts as a person and who doesn’t. (Gee, don’t you think the ancestors are proud?) Think that through.   That’s EXACTLY the ki

Minor Attracted What the Fucks

NOTE:   I want to make it clear - this rant was sparked off by a video by the ever beautiful MsBlaireWhite (go subscribe to her Youtube channel, seriously).    It was then fanned into a fully fledged rant when I took a few hours to follow up on researching her statements. ---------------------- “Minor Attracted Persons”.   “MAPs”.   “MAP identified persons”.  “We’re more comfortable with the term MAP.”   “You’re mis-identifying me when you don’t call me a MAP.”   This is a real thing.   That terrifies me, as a parent and a law enforcement officer.    Do the research.   Do your homework.   If you have the knowledge or capability, take a (brief) dive into the underside of the web (the ‘darkweb’, the ‘trollnet’, ‘tor portals’, and on and on…fucking media) and look it up. The WaPo and Huff (Washington Post and Huffington Post, for the non-political-internet savvy) have both done articles highlighting papers which rely on shaky research and tiny data pools to argue that pedoph

Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day – Think you know the difference?

I come from a Legacy (the L is a capital for a reason) Army family, and a Legacy Marine family.   Those of us who are unable to serve, for physical reasons or reasons of happenstance, become law enforcement. When you’re one of us, that’s it.   Black.   White.  You wear a uniform, the same as every generation before you – and know that the dead stand in your wake.  Or you wear a badge, and try to live up to those who went before.   My mother was a staff officer when she retired after 20 years.   My father was a Washington PD officer before being retired on injury, and meeting my mother when he went back to school.   That’s my family.  That’s my blood, as far back as we’ve ever been able to trace through heraldry or genealogy.  This Memorial Day my ancestors are going to rise from their graves, if for no more reason than to spit the taste of modern America from their mouths.    With “fake news” this, and “Love Trump(s) hate” that, the living have all forgotten something. W

Can we please keep politics out of it?

Hey, quick joke – what’s the definition of politics?    Poly = many, Ticks = Bloodsucking creatures. Sorry.   Had to do it. Can we please keep the politics off of Fetlife?    (Unless it’s a discussion of golden showers.  Those are fine.)     That would be awesome.   Thanks. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I jump on FL to look through emails for my business.   I sign on here to see what other kinksters are doing, pushing the boundaries of sexuality.   And I get on here because sometimes the stuff you see in your feed is just too damned hot.    No, seriously.   SpanishRed’s writings get me all hot and bothered.   (Don’t act like they don’t do the same for you).  I don’t jump on here to read political rants by TERF’s.   Or by radical right wingers.   Or by leftist snowflakes.   I’m not getting into where I lie on the spectrum.   Because frankly, that’s not what Fetlife is for.   I have a blog for that .  The few times I’ve cross-posted, it was a reaction

Belief Stands While Hatred Lurks

In the past few years of keeping a blog, and flickering certain posts on and off due to waves of doxing, and of flames and hate emails from angry snowflakes – I’ve learned a few things. I have learned that the truest believers, the devoutly faithful, of the snowflake church of Tolerance and Civil Liberties will often fall back on the same old world tactics of burning heretics at the stake. I have learned that the mildest, meekest, most “open minded” of us all has a vile stomach full of bile for those who won’t bow to their beliefs. I have learned that the mainstream media “truths” about this country are a blanket, under which lays people who still believe in common sense and decency.   In freedom, and in fairness. I have learned that there are those who simply will not be reasoned with.   They want to be in a constant state of victim-hood.   They simply will not live otherwise – and it’s a waste of energy to try. I have learned that the loudest voices will rarely

Domestic Violence – Or Your Reaction to It, Anyway

A few days ago I posted a few things on my twitter, and on my blog, and again on Facebook and Fetlife.   What did I post about?   Domestic Violence.   DV’s always a crowd pleaser (of sorts), right?   It generates dozens of reads, lots of caring, maybe even helping with donations to local charities…right? Only one little issue.   Teensy, tinsy, wheensy little issue. I posted about male victims of Domestic Violence.   About the men who get put into the hospital at every increasing rates.   I posted about the men who are more ashamed of admitting their crushed psyches (and sometimes bones) than they are of the scars themselves.   Men who have managed to accept their abuse as “just what happens to guys”. One recent study highlighted by the Mayo Clinic shows that a man is abused every 37.8 seconds.   In 2000, the National Violence Against Women survey determined that over 830,000 men reported being battered.  in a 2010 survey.    DOJ estimates are that a man will report battery less

Politics, Penii and Pussies

The election is over.     Get that?     Whichever side you were on – the results are done.     The whole “petitioning the electoral college” thing was childish enough.     Unless you intend to make good the threat to leave the country – can we please get back to life?    Mocking Trump’s grandkids on a plane won’t change a damned thing, and going after Hillary for jail time won’t stop any future security leaks.   We’re letting cuntish pettiness over politics (victory OR loss) break us apart.    We’re even doing it (to a nastier extent, I think) within our own supposedly “inclusive” community.  Perfect non-kink example.   One of my cousins threatened to disown any of our blood who voted for the “<censored> orange haired <censored>…”.    Personally, I shrugged my shoulders when she sent us all her “warning”.   Mehh.   Grow up, Nat.  Only now she’s actually done it.   She cut off contact and refuses to answer calls, emails – even a letter from her grandmother.   (N