A Rant in Three Parts (Is that kind of like a waltz rant?) Warning, you probably ain't gonna like it.

So, begin rant.   This is one of three, btw.   I wrote up this long burning, angry, bitchy rant and let it settle for a few days.   Then I realized it was too long, and I was sick of getting TL:DR (too long, didn’t read) from wankers who just want to jump on someone else’s platform to post their own opinions.  

So, mmmm…yeah.   Three shorter rants.  

Rant one. 

First, I want to say this:   Any group that cries “minority” and “privilege” instead of doing something about it?   Suck my balls.   (They’re big, so you might need to practice with tennis balls.)   Seriously, though.   Suck’em.  Gargle a little.    

Whiny internet immature tween gays and lesbians?   Genderqueer/Genderfluid/non-binary genders waiving the privilege flag?   Otherkin?  (Seriously?   Otherkin.  Come on.) 

Bitchy Black/Red/Hispanic/Latino/Asian/other?   The whining?   The teary bitch crying on the five o’clock news?

You’re pissing the rest of us off.  

(Yes, I know that was bad grammar.   You deserve bad grammar.   Naughty Rapscallions.) 

If you weren’t so busy crying, you might want to try building.  Grow up, stop whining that all you have is scrap, and start building with it.  

My Dad and I made the base building for a women’s shelter out of scrap, scraped together concrete bags from donors, abandoned lumber, and some donated wiring and piping from a hardware store.   It still stands, built up over the years by other good people (with better plumbing skills) into something better.  

And my tribe?  We got nothing.   No government handouts.  No reservations.   No treaties.   (None that the government has ever honored, anyway.)    No media attention, or GoFundMe, and no glamorous movies starring Taylor Lautner. 

Most of my relatives live in rented trailers, or inherited houses built up from shacks over generations – and they’re still building on them today.   One of my cousins’ windows just upgraded from a sheet of plexiglass and some paint to a real window.   My uncle raised his sons in a double-wide trailer, working full time as a trucker, and built onto it whenever he was home until it became a real house.  

My favorite aunt (a REAL icon of strong women, not one of those third wave feminist pikers) lives with her daughter in a house she inherited from my grandmother.   She was a single mom until recently.  She watched kids for other members of the tribe (and her daughter, teen that she was, helped), and did it around her job as a mechanic,around raising chickens, growing grapes and growing crops on her land to stretch her dollars and help keep her neighbors fed.   She literally gave up an entire summer as a teen, to help raise me so my mother could keep working. 

That’s how you’re supposed to do it when you’re a “minority”.   When you’re “disenfranchised”.    You pull yourself up, say “screw the labels” and get things done.

My aunt adds to her house constantly.   By hand.  She knows that someday her daughter Melanie will live there – hopefully with her own daughter.  

There’re plans to turn the old storage building into another house for future family, until Tricia passes the house onto Melanie.   And then the storage house will be a house for Melanie’s kids someday.   And on and on.  Because my people?   They’re not rich.   Not even middle-class.   But they’re better than that.   When it became clear that our treaties were never anything but toilet paper to the federal government, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work building their own lives with no help but their own.

They’re my role models.   They make me feel humble.    They still have one of the highest poverty levels in the nation – worse than most inner city slums – and they’ve never stopped working for better. 

(For the record?  The “regressive” government of “redneck hick” Virginia shows more respect for my people than the Feds ever have, in over 200 years. )

Every last one of my people knows about working hard.   Outside of some bitter muttering into the last beers of the night, not a one will bitch about how whites have it easier.   I’m pretty sure most have never heard this “privilege” tumblr thing – although a fat SJW woman once said my sister and I have “white cis privilege” because we “look white”.    The high and mighty SJW’s are the ones we laugh about over a beer.  

Because what we have?    We earned.   Do the same, or grow up.  

Natives?  We take our burdens, and we make something.   We don’t use the “minority” bat or the “racist” bat, or the “privilege” bat to beat other people into giving us a free ride.   We won’t be defined by what we are – but by who we are.  

I’m not gonna name other groups here.   I’m not going to call them out.   I’m gonna try and stay classy.   Ish.  

But some of you other “minorities” have been drinking the PLOM party Kool-aid lately.   I’m saying this once – the whites’ ancestors did hard work when they came here.   They weren’t just poor – they were starving and hated by entire countries.   They built up the majority of America today.   Most Asians are trying to do the same now – they go from corner store Chinese joint to kids in Ivy league schools.   My people build “tiny house” style housing out of scrap and hardware store left overs to house our elderly. 

That’s the way to do it.   You do you, don’t bitch about what the other guy has.   Don’t live off of welfare, and stop demanding handouts.   Get life for yourself. 

But then we get to the minority movements that wave the “racist” flag, the “male privilege” flag, the “-phobic  flag”, or whichever other fucking flag – and want special treatment.    And I’m sorry – but to those of us just trying to live our life?   You’re not helping – you’re hurting us.   You’re a joke, and you make us all look bad.  

And when your whining isn’t enough?   When you don’t work hard enough to keep what you’ve been given?  You whine and demand more.  

Fuck that.   No apologies.   No excuses.   Fuck it.   Fuck you.  Grow up.   Your people are dying at the hands of cops?   So are mine.   But we take it out of our own kids’ hides for carrying guns and disobeying authority.   We don’t ignore our own flaws and screw over the cops reputations. 

Rant about that, over.



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