
Showing posts with the label MAP

Pedophilia - Orientation of Pathological Illness?

Lately there’s been a lot of flak from either side of this debate, and the reality is caught in between.    The Huffington Post’s articles as well as numerous Buzzfeed and Washington Post articles aren’t helping – they’re practically hands in your pockets over helping the poor “Minor Attracted Persons”.   YouTube the phrase “Minor Attracted Persons” or “MAPs” and see what’s going on.  Be prepared for nausea.    The DSM IV TR (the last one before SJW nonsense began adding PC phrasing and line-blurring) defined pedophilia simply.  So, three criteria for pedophilia (and hebephilia, ephebophilia, etc – don’t quibble with me, diaper snipers.)    1.)  Over a period of at least 6 months, having recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).  2). The person has acted on these urges, o...

Minor Attracted What the Fucks

NOTE:   I want to make it clear - this rant was sparked off by a video by the ever beautiful MsBlaireWhite (go subscribe to her Youtube channel, seriously).    It was then fanned into a fully fledged rant when I took a few hours to follow up on researching her statements. ---------------------- “Minor Attracted Persons”.   “MAPs”.   “MAP identified persons”.  “We’re more comfortable with the term MAP.”   “You’re mis-identifying me when you don’t call me a MAP.”   This is a real thing.   That terrifies me, as a parent and a law enforcement officer.    Do the research.   Do your homework.   If you have the knowledge or capability, take a (brief) dive into the underside of the web (the ‘darkweb’, the ‘trollnet’, ‘tor portals’, and on and on…fucking media) and look it up. The WaPo and Huff (Washington Post and Huffington Post, for the non-political-internet savvy) have both...