It's been....
...a bad week. No matter how you want to describe it, paint it, view it .. whether you ascribe to the differing view points that are pro-protestor, pro-police, anti-riot or ACAB (all cops are bastards) -- it's been a week for the record books. And I find myself today having "the talk" with my 14 year old daughter, and trying to explain it to her. Because I know she's getting some things from her friends, and some from online (which is essentially left slant heaven, every major media source), and from my ex (which is essentially ACAB), and...she needs perspective. She's growing up as someone with dark skin in America, and more and more her features are developing into those of a young lady - she can't pass for a darkly tanned white girl anymore. It's past time she's had the talk, for all that I despise the fact that she has to receive it. So where to start. Start with this. If you aren't a minority in America, you don't understa...