Stop Self Diagnosing. Just...Just Stop.
Please. FUCKING PLEASE. If you need to find a sliding scale therapist or psychiatrist, or an open clinic, or a county health office, or a welfare diagnostician - I'll help you. I will PERSONALLY help you - it's something I do every single weekend as part of my volunteer work. (That's on top of being a cop, on top of building toys for Creative Kink, and on top of being a full time Dad, btw. So yes, I really commit to the work, and yes, I really will help you.) But this self diagnosis shit? This shit has got to go. There's a reason why so many people go through years and years and YEARS of graduate education to be able to make a diagnosis of psychological or psychiatric treatment needs. I realize self diagnosis is the latest fad. I realize having some 'mental illness' makes you seem trendy, and I realize all your celebrity favorites are "coming out as having...". I get that it makes you feel better to have a label to hang o...