
2017 and I’m ashamed of Both of You. Read a book on Citizenry. Then go to your rooms.

“The gubbermint used ta po-lice to break us up!” “Police are racists, they broke up our protest!” “What kind of government needs to use force to stop speech?!” Here’s a better question. What kind of protesters are you that officers must to be used against you for the safety of your own community?  That officers have to respond with weapons drawn - in fear of their lives and the lives of others? What happened to civility?   To discussion?   To our ability to have discourse, rhetoric and informed argument without resorting to tear gas?  When did we start stealing each other’s property and lighting it on fire, or wearing masks to town hall discussions?   Why is it okay to kick people off campus by violence if you don’t like white skin color, or make privileged, threatening demands of law enforcement?  You want to point the finger at the police – but in the many protests I’ve been to (as an officer and an observer) I have yet to see things kicked off by an officer.   I

Pedophilia - Orientation of Pathological Illness?

Lately there’s been a lot of flak from either side of this debate, and the reality is caught in between.    The Huffington Post’s articles as well as numerous Buzzfeed and Washington Post articles aren’t helping – they’re practically hands in your pockets over helping the poor “Minor Attracted Persons”.   YouTube the phrase “Minor Attracted Persons” or “MAPs” and see what’s going on.  Be prepared for nausea.    The DSM IV TR (the last one before SJW nonsense began adding PC phrasing and line-blurring) defined pedophilia simply.  So, three criteria for pedophilia (and hebephilia, ephebophilia, etc – don’t quibble with me, diaper snipers.)    1.)  Over a period of at least 6 months, having recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).  2). The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersona

This is the kind of stuff that kills me...

If you read the last - you know I'm on a Diversity committee - and this issues really drives me crazy too.    Because seriously - this is not helping the views I'm trying to argue against in my law enforcement community. This - and yes, it IS Blaire White

Diversity in Law Enforcement

Recently, I’ve been put on a Diversity Committee for my agency, and it’s giving me a whole different view of things in law enforcement when it comes to our (the LGBTQIA, not the leather) community.   Yes, folks – I’m part of that community.   I’m the oft forgot B – a bisexual.  Fence sitters.  “Pretenders”.  Etcetera.   I don’t put it up on my profile because, frankly, most of you are excluding me anyway. Before anything I want to acknowledge; there’s an issue of “how much is enough, and how much is ‘recruiting for the sake of numbers’” within diversity groups in the law enforcement community.   I assume those same questions extend to other diversity groups – but I’m sticking with the one I know.   As the unofficial representative of the LGBTQIA community (I joined to be the token Native American – I just seem to have become the voice for us instead) – what I see is that even those members of our community who are in the Law Enforcement aren’t often willing to step up and sa

The Minstrel Boy (our version, anyway)

The minstrel boy to the store has gone, He has headed off to the Rutters. He headed off at the breaking dawn, For cucumbers and butter.

Blood Quantum

I promised on Twitter that this rant was coming.    If you didn’t listen, then pucker up butter cup.   It’s going in dry.  Blood Quantum is the concept of measuring “native-ness” by the specific amount or quanta (quantum meaning amount) of “red blood” in your…well.  In your red blood.  The whole argument gets wrapped up in the concept of what makes someone “native enough”, and being a “native descendant” versus a “native”.   A “descendant of the algonquian nation” instead of “a son of the tribe”.  I just want to pause here and point something out. We.  Are.   Literally.  Arguing.  Purity. We are using the same argument that the Aryan brotherhood uses to define membership.   The same argument used to create such hateful labels as “quadroon”.    The one modern extremist “power” groups (white, black, Hispanic, etc) use to define who counts as a person and who doesn’t. (Gee, don’t you think the ancestors are proud?) Think that through.   That’s EXACTLY the ki

Minor Attracted What the Fucks

NOTE:   I want to make it clear - this rant was sparked off by a video by the ever beautiful MsBlaireWhite (go subscribe to her Youtube channel, seriously).    It was then fanned into a fully fledged rant when I took a few hours to follow up on researching her statements. ---------------------- “Minor Attracted Persons”.   “MAPs”.   “MAP identified persons”.  “We’re more comfortable with the term MAP.”   “You’re mis-identifying me when you don’t call me a MAP.”   This is a real thing.   That terrifies me, as a parent and a law enforcement officer.    Do the research.   Do your homework.   If you have the knowledge or capability, take a (brief) dive into the underside of the web (the ‘darkweb’, the ‘trollnet’, ‘tor portals’, and on and on…fucking media) and look it up. The WaPo and Huff (Washington Post and Huffington Post, for the non-political-internet savvy) have both done articles highlighting papers which rely on shaky research and tiny data pools to argue that pedoph