Can we PLEASE just be fucking civil already?
Can we please, please, PLEASE just be fucking civil?
The various media and newspapers and indie papers and social groups...they're stirring up shit. I get that. That's how they get ratings. "Let's You and Him fight," is one of the oldest games in politics. More than a few journalists have been caught lying about sources, making up articles or doing "he said, she said" to start a newsworthy piece of drama.
Groups like that have agendas. Ones that rarely have all of our lovely hearts in mind. I get that. I hope /you/ get that. Because that's the kicker. We're angry people, and they're fucking liars trying to make a buck off us being angry. They're doing the talking for us. They're lumping you into their shit piece of a story and selling it prepacked to channels. And we're just taking it.
Fox tilts center right, CNN tilts hard left, NBC waffles, Breitbart has cleared so far out into right field it's out of the park and the WaPo and HuffPo have the other flank. We know that. And we still follow like sheep and get into pissing contests about who's network has the bigger dick. (Or strap-on, whichever.)
I'm almost 40 fucking years old this year. I've lived long enough to see hundreds of politicians come and go, and they ain't about uniting us. No government unites its people. The people have to do that, in order to change the government. That's how it works. It's how we wound up here, instead of being a colony and drinking tea.
Politicians, they're about their agenda and their reelection. Sometimes, that agenda is cool. It falls in our "I haz wanteds" zone. Guaranteed it falls into someone else's "fuck you" zone. Nobody gets everything they fucking want. If they do, it's low expectations or they're high as a fucking kite.
That's life. It's reality. Stop throwing shit, and hitting each other with pipes and burning down businesses over it. We don't have to "agree to disagree", but we can at least stop squabbling like we're a bunch of immature little shits.
Stop throwing four letter words when there are kids about. Kids are supposed to be off-limits! Stop setting businesses on fire, all you're doing is ruining someone else's life and making them hungry. Stop blocking highways, people have to go to work to keep a roof over their families.
Quit saying you'll kill cops to force change. If a cop is fucked, report them. IA, newspapers, online, city counsel... end their careers, don't end their lives (and yours, if things really go bad.)
Stop bitching about "shadow banning". Social media companies are COMPANIES. They're gonna do what's profitable. Deal with it, or go make your own.
And sniping at transgender activists? When the fuck did you start throwing things at someone who's trying (PEACEFULLY EVEN!) to make things better for her group of Americans? Seriously?! WTF?
Don't like something? Write your congress critter. Over. And Over. That's why they're there. They get paid, to listen to you. If they aren't listening - then protest THEM. Politely, but fucking LOUDLY. They get a HUGE salary and they shouldn't be fucking ignoring their job to eat $400 lobster dinners and get a handy under the table from an intern.
Protesting at each other just hurts someone on an issue they can't change anyway. If they could magically change it, they wouldn't be protesting either! Go mouth off at someone who can actually do things! Protest your local congress-critter. They can make change, and eventually they'll get the message when they have to start sound proofing their offices. Fuck'em if they don't wanna listen - shoulda listened before it got this loud.
We're god damned adults. We live in a country with free speech, not "free reign to fuck things up for everyone else". That's not free speech - that's a fucking tantrum.
My four year old doesn't even do those anymore.
Grow up.
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