Politics, Penii and Pussies
The election is over. Get that? Whichever side you were on – the results are done. The whole “petitioning the electoral college” thing was childish enough. Unless you intend to make good the threat to leave the country – can we please get back to life? Mocking Trump’s grandkids on a plane won’t change a damned thing, and going after Hillary for jail time won’t stop any future security leaks.
We’re letting cuntish pettiness over politics (victory OR loss) break us apart. We’re even doing it (to a nastier extent, I think) within our own supposedly “inclusive” community.
Perfect non-kink example. One of my cousins threatened to disown any of our blood who voted for the “<censored> orange haired <censored>…”.
Personally, I shrugged my shoulders when she sent us all her “warning”. Mehh. Grow up, Nat. Only now she’s actually done it. She cut off contact and refuses to answer calls, emails – even a letter from her grandmother. (Natalie, if you’re reading – c’mon. She’s your amma.)
She cut herself off from generations of our culture, from her connections to us, from our language and our support – because she can’t let go of an election result.
Yeah yeah, maybe she’s “terrified” of the “future evils”. She’s a minority (native), and she’s bi. But she already lives in a state where gay marriage is legal – the election isn’t going to change that in the short years he’ll be in the office. And she’s cutting off her community, not turning to us.
And that’s what I’m seeing in our community. Friendships are ending as hurt feelings triumph over the community. Some people are reaching out, declaring the entire community a “blue only” state, while more conservative elders are sequestering themselves (and their knowledge as mentors!) from the young activist types. Others on both sides are flat out saying it – “tow this line, don’t talk about this, trigger-warning on any (disagreeing) politics”, or get out of their life.
When did we become mired in vanilla politics? Are we so delicate that this is tearing bonds asunder? And since when is our community an appropriate battle ground between the special snowflakes and the alt-right? Are we all such extremists (flesh-hook suspension aside) that we can’t put aside the politics long enough to spank (or eat) a little ass?
Can we please get back to our bondage ropes and our bodice ripping? Our strapons and our straight jackets? Relationships, friendships, play partner-ships, sexual partnerships – they’re being torn apart by an election that’s already a foregone conclusion.
And politically – outside of the lifestyle, can we all try reaching a hand across the aisle like grown ups? Say it with me – “we’re all Americans, and we’re going to make this country what it can be, regardless of our butt-hurt!”
Because people…truly. From the bottom of my heart I’m telling you – America is about Americans. Not about politicians. If you want change in gay marriage, or North Carolina bathroom privileges, or anti-conservative mainstream media – we can change all of that if we just reach a hand across the aisle.
The most powerful moments in American history (indeed, in our very founding) were moments when we stood first as Americans, and not as a racial/political/ethnic/gender/sexual/etcetera divide.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
And dear god, we are definitely doing the opposite of standing. We are falling. We have our heads up our asses about an election that ended weeks ago, while the rest of the world keeps turning.
We the people – we make this nation. Whether you enjoy the current one or not the government is supposed to answer to us. Change can happen – but not when we force the triumph of one cause (yours) over another (not yours).
Things are going to change. That happens with every election. Accept the things we cannot change, the strength (etcetera) and the wisdom to know the difference.
We have to reach across the aisle. We have to talk. We have to set aside egos and demands and absolutes, and find new ideas outside of our box, things that we can agree on and compromise with.
We have to be American.
Not butt-hurt children whining about the fate of two candidates that has already been settled.
Work with what is, don’t cry about what you wanted it to be.
And back on topic: leave it out of kink and our community. America is our nation, kink is our community. Let’s get back to the spanking, and let’s make our talking the dirty kind. The only orange hair I want to talk about is where the carpet matches the drapes. I don’t care if you’re a special snowflake, as long as you fit in that latex dress and don’t worry how republican that cute guy is if he fills out those leathers just right. The only whining I want to hear is through a ball gag. (Or my cock. That works too.)
Let’s move on. Keep politics at the dinner table, and leather on the bondage table. Yes?
“With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds…”
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