Funny signs of my Age
Someone emailed a while back and asked why I occasionally end my posts with "-30". That's a (very sad) sign that I was writing freelance journalism back when the news was still something you received from a piece of paper. -30 was a sub-note to the editor or publisher that the line was the end of the piece.
Another question - "Who is Samir Shabazz?" Google is your friend, but to make it easy - he was the leader of the new Black Panther party, and helped organize the intimidation tactic of "presence" of Black Panther's at voting booths in various cities, back when Obama was running for election the first time around.
And a question I've actually had more than once - "Have a biscuit?", "See how that works, Victoria/Virginia?" Those are evidence that my sarcasm matured and came "of age" while my I was an army brat living in HQ USAREUR, and living off of the BBC and SkyOne. They're what we used to call "Britishisms" on base - that overly polite turn of phrase that hides a viciously sharp acidic wit.
Another question - "Who is Samir Shabazz?" Google is your friend, but to make it easy - he was the leader of the new Black Panther party, and helped organize the intimidation tactic of "presence" of Black Panther's at voting booths in various cities, back when Obama was running for election the first time around.
And a question I've actually had more than once - "Have a biscuit?", "See how that works, Victoria/Virginia?" Those are evidence that my sarcasm matured and came "of age" while my I was an army brat living in HQ USAREUR, and living off of the BBC and SkyOne. They're what we used to call "Britishisms" on base - that overly polite turn of phrase that hides a viciously sharp acidic wit.
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