You Treat Police Horribly, and Expect Good Results?
Lately the news has been full of stories on high crime rates, how some cities are “defeating crime” ( no , they aren’t) with new initiatives, increasing efficiency with smaller police forces ( no , they aren’t ) and with new investigative units to crack down on “dirty cops”. There are even a few about how police corruption is everywhere, and op-ed pieces that police should be replaced with other systems. The media makes it look like officers live the life of Brian, with great salaries and tons of “extra” income sources. Let’s review something, briefly. The average starting salary for a Police Officer hovers around the high 38,000’s. Some cities (ones desperate to hold onto officers, after putting theirs on blast for the last several years) offer as high as 43,000 or 44,000. In most of these cities, the people who spit on officers (literally – ask any officer in a large city), make more than that spending half thei...