
Showing posts from November, 2013

Your motherfucking Dominance and submission are not "Gifts".

Yep, I’m back.   And no “cool down” time on this one.   (You know it’s gonna be tart when I’m playing Marilyn Manson and KMFDM while I’m writing.) “My submission is a gift!”   Can we please stop this shit?   Please?    I mean come the fuck on…”my submission is a gift to be cherished”, “my Dominance is a gift to your womanliness”, “my sexuality is my offering to you”… Fucking stop it.   Seriously.   You sound like a fucking twat, and a prissy one at that.   Or, if you want the modern version…. “You sound like a cunt.”   And yes, I mean that to the men, too.   Dominance and submission are nouns.   They are states of being.   They can be used to indicate roles in a relationship.   They can identify markers, attitudes, philosophies and personalities.   They are ultimately expressions of psyche, or sexuality.   T...

I can haz product photos?

So I finally have new product photos up on the site.   Dear Gods that took forever...but I also convinced the model to let me do some cute photos of her, so "bonus". Two new rants coming next week, once I've let them cool down a bit...this has been a very irritating week in kink. KFetish Model Mayhem - New Pictures New Product Photos at CreativeKinkProducts.Com 
   I miss photography.   I really, really, really do.   One of these days I've got to get back into doing good old fashioned color and black and white fetish photography - maybe even pick up a studio and start doing it for a full time hobby. In the meantime - enjoy the whip marks.  This one was taken a few years ago, when I was still married to a Pro Domme - this was one of her victims.    ^_^