Vetting - or - "Who do you think you are to say I can't come?"
Cassie received a message today about a party she's throwing at the house. Apparently, requiring people to step up and give the names of people who can vouch for them? That's "elitist". That's "wrong". No, my friend. That’s “Vetting”. Philadelphia's murder rate rose 23% this year. It's still rising - and we're doing better than many cities, given the economic crisis' impact on law enforcement hiring. The rape percentages are up, violent crime is increasing after years of decrease, and stories of corruption among law enforcement, government, and private sector are all daily news. The days when you could assume your fellow American is decent, lawful and trustworthy are long over. Within the scene, in the last year we've had major community leaders lose their minds and flip out publicly. We've had brave souls come forward and open up multi-victim scandals that had been completely ign...