Knife Play - Don't Just Pack the Knives!
Knife Play – What should you pack (other than the knives)? These days, everyone’s got their little kits and their little toy bags – and believe it or not, that’s a good thing. You can pick up a toiletry or makeup box at any Walmart or Target for less than $10, and have everything you need for an entire fetish ready to go to town. But while you’re packing the toys, don’t forget a few others things for your knife play… 1. Rubbing Alcohol This should be a no brainer, but the after care of knife play should include cleaning and disinfecting both the skin and the knives – and if possible, a quick wipe should be worked into the “before” play as well. Please be aware, rubbing alcohol is a low level disinfectant – it should NEVER take the place of good negotiation questions like “do you have any blood conditions I should know about?” 2. Gauze Wrap and Pape...