HUMILITY – I’m A Million Times as Humble as Thou Art
Amish Paradise, yo. In all seriousness – someone asked me from my blog what I think the most important thing is for a new Dominant. Having written a “newbie Dominant” post a few months ago, I thought about just sending back an email with a link…but that seemed disrespectful. The man took the time to ask me a genuine question – I owe him a genuine (if not as witty as usual) answer. Should I tell him to invest in rope? Find a good local mentor? Only use water based lubes? Then it hit me. Humility. “When we’ve been here ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun – we’ve no less days to sing his praise than when we’d first begun.” Whether you’ve been here for thirty years, fifty years, or fifteen minutes…you have things to learn. You have skills to master. And you will always have someone wiser ahead of you, a...